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Shadow on the Wall

My Work

Addressing Campus Safety Concerns 

MBJA Eric Sevareid Award of Merit: “Addressing Student Safety Concerns”

After a string of issues around my college's campus, many students began to raise safety concerns. I decided to investigate some of these incidents and understand what safety protocols were in place for students, and areas of improvement.

Minority Owned Businesses in Dubuque 

After discovering the lack of information about black- owned businesses in Dubuque, Iowa, I spoke with some of these business owners to understand their concerns and important steps moving forward.

Boaz BBQ

Boaz BBQ, one of the few black-owned businesses in Dubuque has a selection of tasty barbecue, rich sides, and music for the community to enjoy. They were among some of the small businesses that started during COVID-19.

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals: What's the distinction? 

On college campuses, many people have either service animals or emotional support animals. But, when these two clash, the issues that arise bring about questions such as : What's the distinction?

Dubuque's Winter Farmer's Market
COVID-19 Restrictions 

With COVID-19 still in full swing, the Dubuque Winter Farmer's Market found a way to still bring the natural and flavorful goods of Dubuque entrepreneurs and farmers to the community. 

Cry Us a River

Entrepreneurs Galore

COVID-19 sprung entrepreneurial excitement around the world. I discovered two of these entrepreneurs living right on Loras' campus.

Access Dubuque Jobs 

The Telegraph Herald hosted their bi-annual job fair that was crucial for businesses and community members alike searching for jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Climate Change, Reversed

Robinhood App  

What do the stock market, Robinhood, and college students all have in common? College students found interest in the Robinhood app, an app claiming to help shape your financial future.

LGBTQ Legislation

Proposed legislative bills that risked impacting LGBTQ communities in Iowa were denied.

Murder at the Arboretum

A young woman was found murdered at the Dubuque Arboretum. An accused suspect, Richard Forsythe, was arrested and held at the Dubuque County Jail.

Kim Reynolds and COVID-19 Protocols 

Kim Reynolds, governor of Iowa, drops a controversial decision to dial back on state-wide safety protocols.

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